‘How very awkward’… What we can learn from ‘The Third Man’
I watched ‘The Third Man’ for the first time yesterday, then I had to watch it again today. As a film student, it’s actually hard to believe I never studied the angles, back lighting, and other film stuff that make the film unique. There is a bit a humor at places on a very serious story (humor sometimes makes hard topics easier). But it is hard not to draw parallels to what is going on today: There is actually nothing very funny about either situation.
The movie is a commentary on the realities of post-war disillusionment, treachery, cultural misunderstanding, and government dishonesty & scheming. It didn’t surprise me that Orson Welles was involved- it was kinda his thing. There are some very clever details that do give some slight comic relief- for example I did smile when talking about the main character’s best friend’s death a character just replies ‘how very awkward’ - you almost react before the character- WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? (Also I didn’t pick up on it until I rewatched it- and had read a paper on it- but brilliant they all pronounce each other’s names wrong… I mean I do that by accident all the time but it had meaning in the movie)
Anyway, we could talk for hours about the nuances of the movie, I reccomend everyone watch it because aren’t we asking these very questions basically about every headline today? Cultural misunderstanding seems to be at an all time high. We can cite Ukraine, China, Russia, Canada (that one I am kinda kidding about)- but I actually would like to focus on my cultural misunderstanding on what is going on with Hamas.
I have been doing a lot of reading- I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation of what actually is happening. Two weeks ago- I thought this was a war about land (I am Irish so maybe I understand why wars like that are fought). But, this is something completely different, and I think that people like me need to be better educated about it. It’s one thing to be horrified by the headlines and video- but the long history needs to be understood about why this is such an important topic. This is about Terrorism- and it has gone on far too long. This is about trying to eliminate a people. I won’t pretend I know all the answers yet- but much like trying to figure out a murder (plot of the movie)- I am trying to put the facts together on what’s going on and why.
I won’t pretend this movie solved the issue of my need to learn more. But it’s impressive that the questions, attempts at explanations on both sides, and general veiled civility to other cultures, are all issues we are dealing with now (I mean not by some protesters or members of Congress) are brought up in this movie. Maybe Orson Welles shouldn’t have been taken down by William Randolph Hearst for ‘Citizen Kane’ after all- both movies raise good questions. Think about it, and let me know your thoughts.