Lizzie’s List 1/8/24

1) This is not funny... I joke that I wish I had to wear a Burka every day because I like the connivence aspect or knowing that literally nobody can tell how I look underneath- but the moment someone commands me to- all jokes are off: no beating allowed:

2) Maybe because it's Monday... but I have seriously never cared about this awards ceremony.... but it's all over the news as if there is literally nothing else going on:

3) However this annoys me: you know he had final approval right? It’s lame to blame the writers:

4) I don't agree with the man (Putin) a lot... but even I could tell this young man that this was a horrible idea, you are dealing with a leader who throws people to Siberia if they look at him wrong… this was not going to end well for you:

5) Is it weird that I didn't know we are basically the same age? I totally thought he was way older... I now get the concern about his lifestyle choices…and well basically all his choices:


Lizzie’s List 1/10/24


Lizzie’s List 1/5/24