The Sound of Silence

True story- the first CD (those used to be a thing) I ever bought was Simon & Garfunkel. I really love ‘A Hazy Shade of Winter’- I heard it on the van to school and was blown away. So while at Sam Goody (also used to be a thing)- I was so excited I finally had a CD of my own. As I was listening to this miraculous purchase, I heard another song I would like to talk about: ‘The Sound of Silence’…click the cover for the song

The thing about the song, I actually don’t totally love Hippie music- but I think the message is very important for today. Garfunkel, has a very famous quote when talking about the song: “This is a song about the inability of people to communicate with each other”. We can apply this thought to so much that is happening today in the world- but isn’t that the beauty of music? But more importantly, I want to know your thoughts- What does the Sound of Silence (not just the song) mean to you with all the headlines we are dealing with today.


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