Lizzie’s List 1/17/24: I am no legal expert- but someone didn’t vet the jury that well:

1) I am no legal expert- but someone didn’t vet the jury that well:

2) But at least he is being mature when it comes to this:

2a) and I think the media may have some valid questions:

3) I have always been tempted to try this - but already know I am related to half of Boston- and stories like these freak me out… but people are making money off books about the topic so maybe I should:

4) Stop trying to make ‘Fetch’ happen…This is one of the best movies ever made- but, I was so let down by the Broadway musical that I’m not sure I’ll spend $21 to see this:

5) I may have taken this class over ‘Anthropology of Alcohol’- which was actually a fascinating class


He’s Only Half Scottish


Lizzie’s List 1/11/24