Since President John F. Kennedy established the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1963, approximately 650 individuals and organizations have received it.
Presidents Ranked by Number of Honorees
Barack Obama (2009–2017)
123 Medals
Notable Recipients: Ellen DeGeneres, Bruce Springsteen, Joe Biden, Maya Angelou.
Known for honoring many achievers in arts, sports, science, and public service.
Bill Clinton (1993–2001)
113 Medals
Notable Recipients: Rosa Parks, John F. Kennedy (posthumously), Nelson Mandela, Aretha Franklin.
Focused on civil rights, global leadership, and cultural icons.
George W. Bush (2001–2009)
85 Medals
Notable Recipients: Pope John Paul II, Muhammad Ali, Sandra Day O’Connor, Tony Blair.
Emphasized military leaders, religious figures, and international allies.
Ronald Reagan (1981–1989)
36 Medals
Notable Recipients: Mother Teresa, Frank Sinatra, James Stewart, Elie Wiesel.
Often honored individuals from the arts and humanitarian causes.
Donald Trump (2017–2021)
24 Medals
Notable Recipients: Rush Limbaugh, Jim Jordan, Tiger Woods.
Focused on athletes, conservative figures, and military members.
John F. Kennedy (1961–1963)
16 Medals (Posthumously Awarded in 1963)
Notable Recipients: Helen Keller, Robert Frost, John Steinbeck.Established the modern version of the Medal of Freedom.
Richard Nixon (1969–1974)
15 Medals
Notable Recipients: Duke Ellington, Bob Hope, Walt Disney.Focused on cultural and entertainment figures.
Gerald Ford (1974–1977)
11 Medals
Notable Recipients: Walt Disney (posthumously), Joe DiMaggio, Betty Ford. Emphasized cultural icons and personal connections.
Jimmy Carter (1977–1981)
6 Medals
Notable Recipients: Ansel Adams, Alexander Calder.Focused on contributions to the arts and environment.
Lyndon B. Johnson (1963–1969)
5 Medals
Notable Recipients: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Norman Rockwell.Honored leaders and artists significant to his presidency.